Status Tab

Status Tab

Status Tab

Click on the Status tab shows detailed information for each robot linked to FMS, this information is also displayed on the Field Monitor used by the FTA and FTA Assistant (FTAA). Examples are for Blue Station 1 (team number 1 in this case) but the same data exists for all stations. The information for each team is:

  1. Station and Team number (in this case station 1, team number 1)
  2. DS:
    • Red square - nothing connected
    • Green circle with X - Indicates if a DS is physically connected to the switch at the SCC
    • Solid green circle - DS is in FMS mode (i.e. connected to FMS)
  3. BWU - Indicates the Bandwidth Utilization/Consumption for that particular team (should be under 2-3 for almost all teams, and FRC rules allow a maximum of 7)
  4. Radio - Indicates that the DS is able to communicate with the radio on the robot
  5. roboRIO - Indicates that the DS is able to communicate with the roboRIO on the robot
  6. Voltage - Battery voltage reported by the Robot (12-13 is normally a fully charged battery, under ~9 may result in visible performance problems). The background of this cell will be a line indicating relative battery voltage over a short sample amount of time.
  7. Enabled/Mode - The state and mode of the robot.
    • “A” - Autonomous
    • “T” - Teleoperated
    • Red square - robot is disabled
    • Green circle - enabled.
    • Black diamond "E" - Robot is Estopped
    • Blank - No Robot connected
  8. Avg Trip - average time required to send a message to the robot and have the robot respond (this is basically like a ping.) Units are in milliseconds. Usually under 10 for most Robots.
  9. Packets - indicates the number of packets dropped in the DS-to-Robot link. Typically there are some lost packets. In a very tame wireless environment, this number will be less than 100 (simulated environment results in large value in example photo)
  10. Background Color of Row:
    • "Clear" - Robot connected and ready (or running)
    • Yellow - Robot not connected (Estopped, or any item on the row is "Red", like DS)
    • Brown - Bypassed
  11. The caution marker will appear next to teams that have out of date versions of hardware or software on their robot (such as old roboRIO firmware)

It is important to remember that items can only "go green" if the items to the left of it are already "green." For instance, a roboRIO will not be green unless the Radio is already green. This aids in the speed of troubleshooting.