Producing a wiring diagram for your robot
Once all the subsystems are defined and filled with sensors and actuators you can produce a wiring diagram that will help the team wiring the robot to make sure that the electrical connections between the components and the cRIO robot controller are correct.
Filling in the wiring file location

There are three steps to getting a wiring diagram for your robot.
- Select the top of the robot description to view the robot program properties
- Click on the wiring file name (initially not filled in) to set where the wiring file should be generated
- Click on the Wiring Table toolbar item to create the wiring diagram
It is only necessary to do steps 1 and 2 the first time, the RobotBuilder will remember the location of the wiring file once it is set for the project.
View the wiring file your web browser

The wiring file may be opened with the system web browser and printed to hand off to the robot wiring team. You should keep the final version of the wiring diagram with the robot in case connections are pulled out during a competition so that it can be quickly rewired.