Using TableViewer to see NetworkTable values
TableViewer is a program to help debug NetworkTables applications. It acts as a NetworkTables client and allows the viewing of all the keys and associated values in a tabular format. You can use this to quickly see the value of a variable or set a value for a variable. This is a java program making it platform independent - it can run anywhere that the java runtime is installed.
Starting TableViewer

TableViewer is a java application and is distributed as a .jar file. It is named with the version number, so the actual name you'll see will be dependent on the version of the build. It should be located in the tools directory in either the C++ or Java installation. In the case of C++ it will be in C:\WindRiver\WPILib and in Java it will be in <user-home-directory>/sunspotfrcsdk/tools, where the <user-home-directory> is the operating system installed users home directory. On some operating systems this can be started by simply double-clicking on the TableViewer.jar file using a file browser. On other systems it might have to be explicitly run from a command line by entering, "java -jar TableViewer.jar". The TableViewer application
Once it is running, enter the host IP address of the robot. This is the FRC standard IP naming convention, 10.TE.AM.2 where TE.AM are replaced with the team number. For example it would be for Team 190.
Viewing Table Values

The TableViewer will start up and show all the keys (variable names) and values for those keys. In addition it shows a sequence number which is an internal NetworkTables field used to determine if values are updated and need refreshing. The sequence number increments every time the value of a NetworkTable variable changes. The values wrap around at 65535.
The table rows can be sorted by either the Key, Value or Sequence Number by clicking on the column heading in the table.