Installing the FRC Specific C++ Components
This article details the installation procedure for the FRC Specific C++ components including the WPILib Workbench Update, the NI Tools and the optional JRE installation.
C++ WPILib Workbench Update
The WPILib code libraries used for FRC code development, as well as FRC specific tools and plugins for Workbench are included in the FRC Workbench Update. Download the Workbench Update from http:// Get the release with the most recent date. For example, the release at the start of the 2014 competition was dated Jan 1, 2014. Make sure to keep an eye on the Team Updates throughout the season for any information about optional or mandatory updates to the libraries or other software.

Locate the downloaded file and double-click it. If you receive a security prompt, click Run. The installation will begin automatically, after this window closes a command prompt window will open, then close automatically. When the command prompt window closes, the update is complete.
Verifying Update Installation

To verify that the Workbench Update has installed properly you can browse to the folder C:\WindRiver\WPILib and look for the WPILibC++Source zip file. The date and revision number in this file name should match the installer you downloaded.
Installing the JRE (Optional - Required for using SmartDashboard, Robot Builder, or Bridge Configuration Tool)

Some of the tools bundled with the Wind River Workbench update, including the Smart Dashboard, Robot Builder and Network Tables Viewer, require the Java Runtime Environment to function. Many computers will already have Java installed, you can check by looking for a Java icon in the control panel. If you do not have Java already installed, download and install it from
Installing the 2014 NI Tools (Optional - Required for Imaging the cRIO and running the FRC Driver Station)

In order to image your cRIO and/or run the FRC Driver Station to control your robot, you have to install the appropriate FRC components downloaded from the web. Note that for 2014 this does not require the DVD! Instructions for this installation process can be found in the "Installing the NI FRC Components" article in the "Getting Started with the 2014 Control System Manual".