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Setting the default autonomous command
Updated on: Jan 20, 2023
Since a command is simply a one or more actions that the robot performs it makes sense to describe the autonomous operation of a robot as a command. While it could be a single command, it is more likely going to be a command group (a group of commands that happen together).
Connecting the operator interface to a command
<p>Commands are the basic units of work for your robot, that is, the command sets a subsystem to some operating mode like raising and elevator and continues running until it reaches some setpoint or timeout. You can tie the pressing of a button or other action on your opeartor interface to a comm... -
Producing a wiring diagram for your robot
Updated on: Jan 20, 2023
Once all the subsystems are defined and filled with sensors and actuators you can produce a wiring diagram that will help the team wiring the robot to make sure that the electrical connections between the components and the cRIO robot controller are correct.
Creating a command
Updated on: Jan 20, 2023
<p>Commands are classes you create that provide actions for your subsystems. The subsystem class should set the operation of the subsystem, like ElevatorUp to start the elevator moving up, or ElevatorToSetPoint to make the elevators PID setpoint. The commands initiate the subystem operation and k... -
Creating a subsystem
Updated on: Jan 20, 2023
<p>Subsystems are classes that encapsulate (or contain) all the data and code that make a subsystem on your robot operate. The first step in creating a robot program with the RobotBuilder is to identify and create all the subsystems on the robot. Examples of subsystems are grippers, ball collecto... -
Setting up the robot project
Updated on: Jan 20, 2023
The RobotBuilder program has some default properties that need to be set up so the generated program and other generated files work properly. This setup information is stored in the properties for robot description (the first line).
LabVIEW Resources
Updated on: Jan 31, 2019
Detailed Hardware Documents
Using limit switches to control behavior
Updated on: Jan 30, 2014