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  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    Using NetworkTables with RoboRealm

    RoboRealm is a desktop vision application that you run on your driver station and can connect to a camera on your robot, do a set of vision processing steps that you define, then send the results back to the robot using NetworkTables. Using RoboRealm is easy since you don't need a robot to try it. In fact, you can write programs with just images that were taken such as those that come with any of the three language distributions. For Java and C++, installing the 2014 Sample Vision program will include a bunch of pictures taken with an Axis camera of the actual field that you can use to make sure your vision algorithm works.

    There is a card included with your kit of parts that contains instructions for getting RoboRealm.

    The idea is that you create a sequence of image processing steps with RoboRealm that create the results in variables. Then send those variables to the robot using NetworkTables. The robot gets the results and uses them to control the robot behavior such as aiming, driving to a target, setting shooter speed, etc.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    Creating a custom control using FXML

    sfx comes with a palette of built-in controls that feature a wide range of use cases. But sometimes you would like to further customize your robot dashboard with controls that you create yourself. There are two strategies for creating custom controls, either:

    1. FXML - a XML-based markup language for describing your own controls using a declarative language without needing programming
    2. Java-based controls can have more complex requirements and behaviors

    In this lesson we'll look at creating FXML-based controls. For creating Java controls, see the Java tutorial.

  • In addition to formatting the cRIO, the Imaging Tool can also be used to configure the programming language and a few other settings on the cRIO.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    Creating Simple Commands

    This article describes the basic format of a Command and walks through an example of creating a command to drive your robot with Joysticks.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023


    While many of the numbers for the Vision Processing code can be determined theoretically, there are a few parameters that are typically best to measure empirically then enter back into the code (a process typically known as calibration). This article will show how to perform calibration for the Color (masking), and View Angle (distance) using the NI Vision Assistant. If you are using C++ or Java and have not yet installed the NI Vision Assistant, see the article Installing NI Vision Assistant.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    Setting SFX to Launch with the DS

    The C++ and Java Dashboard buttons in the Driver Station link to the previously existing SmartDashboard for the 2014 season. This article details how to set up the DS to launch SFX instead.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    The new SmartDashboard (SFX)

    We have a new SmartDashboard that uses the more modern JavaFX for it's user interface. This has the promise of much richer user interfaces since it allows the widgets to have style sheets applied to them and the library is much newer. The new dashboard requires a current version of Oracle Java 7 (minimum release 7u6) to be installed on your system to get JavaFX.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    Installing LabVIEW for FRC 2014

    Note: This installation is for teams programming in LabVIEW or using NI Vision Assistant only. C++ and Java teams not using these features do not need to install from the DVD.

  • This article details the installation procedure for the FRC Specific C++ components including the WPILib Workbench Update, the NI Tools and the optional JRE installation.

  • Updated on: Jan 20, 2023

    Latest Software Revisions

    This article details the latest revision of various software components of the FRC Control System.

    Updated 3/25/14