Light codes on control system components
Jaguar speed controllers

Talon speed controllers

The LED is used to indicate the direction and percentage of throttle and state of calibration. The LED may be one of three colors; red, orange or green. A solid green LED indicates positive output voltage equal to the input voltage of the Talon. A solid Red LED indicates an output voltage that is equal to the input voltage multiplied by -1(input voltage = 12 volts, output equals -12 volts). The LED will blink it’s corresponding color for any throttle less than 100% (red indicates negative polarity, green indicates positive). The rate at which the led blinks is proportional to the percent throttle. The faster the LED blinks the closer the output is to 100% in either polarity.
The LED will blink orange any time the Talon is in the disabled state. This will happen if the PWM input signal is lost, or in FRC, when the robot is disabled. If the Talon is in the enabled state and the throttle is within the 4% dead band, the LED will remain solid orange.
Flashing Red/Green indicate ready for calibration. Several green flashes indicates successful calibration, and red several times indicates unsuccessful calibration.
Victor speed controllers

LED Indicator Status:
Green - full forward
Orange - neutral / brake
Red - full reverse
Flashing orange - no PWM signal
Flashing red/green - calibration mode
Flashing green - successful calibration
Flashing red - unsuccessful calibration
Robot Signal Light (RSL)

Solid ON - Autonomous enabled
Solid ON but blinks off every 1.5 sec - Teleop enabled
Slow blink (900ms ON / 900ms OFF) - System disabled by system watchdog, user watchdog, or driver station set to disabled
Fast-slow (200ms ON / 900ms OFF) - Low battery (<12V) or no user code AND system disabled either by system watchdog, user watchdog, or Driver Station set to disabled.
Fast (200ms ON / 200ms OFF) - System error; no Driver station communication; bad cRIO image, bad team ID, extensive communication errors
Spike relay configured as a motor, light, or solenoid switch

Spike relay configured as for one or two solenoids

Indicators on the (DSC) Digital Sidecar

RSL LED on digital sidecar should show the same pattern as the actual RSL light mounted on the robot.
BAT - battery power indicator that the sidecar is getting 12V battery power from the power distribution board
6V - indicates that the relay buck power supply for PWM indicators is operating
5V - indicates that the 5V supply is working that is used to supply the DSC circuitry, GPIO, and I2C headers
Relay outputs are the same as the colors on the Spike relays:
RED - when relay is in REVERSE
GREEN - when relay is in FORWARD
OFF - relay is off