Triangle Bearings

How to Assemble Your Bearing
The following is available in your Kit of Parts:
How to assemble Triangle’s Miniature Two Bolt Flange
Equipment Needed:
- Triangle part #4050 Two Bolt Flange Mounting
- Triangle Part #1508P Sintered Iron Bearing - 1/2" Bore
- Two - 1/4 - 2- bolts
- Small or adjustable wrench
- A plug gauge or something similar that is smaller than the bearing's bore
- 1/2" shaft
- gloves
Step 1:
Put on your gloves and grab the two bolt flange mount, bearing and plug gauge.
Step 2:
Place the Bearing sideways into the mount so it isn't completely flat.
Step 3:
Put the plug gauge (or other tool you are using) into the bore of the bearing
Step 4:
Place your right hand on the bottom of the mount and put your left hand on the top of the mount.
Step 5:
While keeping your hands in this position, push opposite sides until the bearing is fully in the mount and aligned.
Step 6:
When the two bolt flange is fully assembled into the mount, place it on the mounting area of your product. Make sure your mounting holes are 1.75" apart.
Step 7:
Fasten your two bolts into each mounting hole and tighten them with your wrench. Tighten with your wrench until the flange is completely secured onto your product.
Step 8:
Place a 1/2" shaft into the bore of the bearing. Ensure the shaft can move axially.
How to Assemble Triangle’s Miniature Pillow Block Bearing
Equipment needed:
- Triangle part #3668 Top Pillow Block Mount
- Triangle Part #3687 Bottom Pillow Block Mount
- Triangle Part #1508P Sintered Iron Bearing – ½” Bore
- Two - 1/4 - 2- bolts
- Small or adjustable wrench
- 1/2" shaft
Step 1:
Take the iron bearing and put it into the top of the top pillow block mounting.
Step 2:
While still holding together the top pillow block mount and bearing, grab the bottom of the pillow block mount and place it at the bottom of the other two parts and snap them together to complete the assembled pillow block bearing.
Step 3:
Place the assembled pillow block bearing onto the mounting area of your product. Make sure that your mounting holes are 1.75” apart.
Step 4:
Fasten your bolts into each mounting hole and tighten them with your wrench.
Step 5:
After the pillow block is fastened onto your product, make sure the product is securely on and tighten more if needed.
Step 6:
Place the ½” shaft into the bore of the bearing. Make sure it rotates axially.